Live It


Moscow, Russia. Spring 2019

Decision-making might be a bit more difficult when it comes to women. Their minds have been constantly shaped not to fit anywhere else except home. Their beliefs were continually disbelieved. Their values were devalued. And their bodies, well… their bodies had two fundamental mindsets regulating them: 1) reproduction; 2) perfection - from a male perspective, of course. If having cancer isn’t terrifying and uncontrollable enough, imagine losing authority over your own body for the sake of other people’s perceptions of what should be right for you, leaving you with the only option of accepting whatever it is they consider to be right. Despite your pain. Despite your logic. Despite your will.

Considering the long-term suppression of women’s needs, this series seeks to reclaim control. Control over the concept of perfection, where all regulations are abandoned, and the honest beauty of being who you are takes a stand. Control over the narrative of a life experienced by you and you only, and that you carry within yourself proudly. Control over forever-changing perspectives, especially about the imagery we create for ourselves.

Ultimately, this is a series about personal worth against social costs.

Idea, organisation & name: Inna Lesin

Awards & exhibitions:

2023 Nitzan Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel.

2020 Assuta Haifa Hospital, Israel.

2019 - 2024 Assuta Tel Aviv Hospital, Israel. Permanent exhibition.

2019 Babel bookstore, Tel Aviv, Israel.

2019 Rambam Haifa Hospital, Israel.

2019 Tel Aviv-Jaffa City Hall (Enav Cultural Center), Israel.